Sunday, January 30, 2011

February's Read

For the month of February we simi-agreed to read A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. It's the first in a series called The Mark of the Lion.

Francine Rivers is an American author of fiction with Christian themes, including inspirational romance novels. She is best known for her inspirational novel, Redeeming Love, while another novel, The Last Sin Eater has become a feature film. (per Wikipedia)

Though this is the first in a series we're not committing to read the entire series in the club. If we are so inclined we will continue, but we always vote on the next book and so far (ha! we're only three or four books in) we have not been "stuck" on a series.

We will meet to discuss this book on February 24th 6:00pm at the East Chase Starbucks.


Hello... and welcome to OUR Blog. Here you will find posts on the books we are reading, our thoughts, recommendations and complaints. :-) Feel free to comment and post whenever you'd like. I'd love for everyone to get involved and contribute.

We can talk about the current club's read, books you are currently reading or suggestions for other's to read outside of our group readings.

This is a learning process for me and maybe for some of you as well.